Sunday, April 20, 2014

Packing up a Princess!

We have had a countdown going for how many sleeps until we are outta here ... today the chalkboard says TEN!  Wowza!  Are we really ready for this?  These past couple of months have been such an emotional roller coaster.  We go from super excited to totally second guessing ourselves.  The problem here, is just simply too much time to think!  We just gotta get at it already!  Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I have a hard time with being patient, but I know that when that chalkboard says there is only one sleep left I am going to be thinking "wow, that went fast!". 

The house is pretty well packed.  I am an extremely organized person, so moving is actually kind of fun for me.  Something new for this move though is all the TOYS!!  Our little princess sure does have a lot of stuff!  There has to be at least ten boxes of just her stuff!  Tea sets, dress up clothes and dollies - OH MY!  We know our little princess pretty well, so for her, she does best with lots and lots and lots of preparation.  We have been telling her for months now that we will be leaving our current house, living with Grandma and Grandpa for a week, and then moving into our new house.  She is still calling it "The Dirty House" as when we had our first ever walk through she was with us and it was VERY DIRTY!!  So now whenever we mention the new house she says "the dirty house?"  Cute, but I hope it won't be called that forever!

We have had to make a ton of decisions over the past little while.  We have picked out tile, carpet, paint colours, trim types, doors for the bedrooms, vanitys, mirrors, and even a chandelier for the master bath.  The most fun decision for me was picking out the lighting for my dream bathroom.  We checked out a few local places, and even scoured online shops, until one day we came across this beauty at Living Lighting in Kitchener.  I also love that it was designed by Jo Allen from Critical Listing - a show I have been into lately on HGTV :)

This week we should have a bathtub arriving from  One was already delivered here, but it came super duper damaged, so I had to send it back.  Sometimes I really do have to pat myself on the back for being so organized!  If we hadn't ordered it early and it came damaged now, we would be in some serious trouble!  Our  contractor who is renovating the master bath is scheduled to start pretty much right away, so we have to make sure we have the goods for him to get going.  Here is a pic of our free standing tub:

Betsy 67-in. Bathtub with Athena Freestanding Faucet

Bah!  I don't know!  My head is just spinning right now!  So much going on, I wish I could tell ya more!  I think for the first little while, we may let the pictures do the talking.  We will be sure to take some good before's  so you can get a sense of what we started with :)  Wish us luck!

First up will be the kids bedrooms, then playroom, then master bath - ciao!

Rebecca & Pete